A reliableway to protectyour creations
Complain & compensatewith us
Unbeatable copyrightinfringement services
Copyright machine provides proprietary web search and with advanced AI technology, it will find and analyse the uses of your images across the nation. We effectively highlight & report cases that are most likely to result in successful recovering fees for unauthorized use.
Our top-notched mechanism provides high profile intelligent reports to the users which include automatic match alerts, a powerful dashboard, AI-based workflow, advanced search etc. The reports reflected are easy to understand, sorted, and has a complete analysis of your performance. They are maintained after adequate filters required & display accurate results.
Chasing down infringers can be a hectic drain on a company’s time and resources. The copyright machine recovery service is designed to take this burden down from you to make the pursuit of these actions as painless and expedient as possible. We effectively manage your claims, deal with your legal expenses and provide you with world-class attorneys from our wide legal network.
Protect yourself and your business with copyright machine India’s safety software. Get yourself registered with your images and sit back & relax. Protect your work and procure its value today that will help you retain exclusive rights to your original work. We make sure to safeguard your work from being stolen, illegally copied, and used commercially without remuneration.